B2B Contact Data

Buy High Quality USA and International B2B Contact Data

B2B contact data is all about its quality. The business lists showcased here are amongst some of the most comprehensive, selectable, accurate and verified B2B data lists available.

This data has been collated from hundreds of sources across the world; such as event registrations, journal subscriptions, industry associations and directories, then checked, validated and verified.

The B2B list also comes with guarantee levels so you can buy with confidence. It is highly selectable and can by purchased on an outright purchase basis.

B2B Contact Data List Contents

Our contact lists have multiple fields and you can request to received all of them or several ones. Some of the available fields are as follows

  • Contact Name
  • Contact Email Address
  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Company Telephone
  • Company Fax
  • Company Website
  • Company Revenue
  • Company Employee size
b2b contact data

B2B Contact Data Filters

Our data can be narrowed down by multiple criteria and tailored to your requirements whether it is geography, business industry, companies revenues or anything else. A few examples of available B2B data list can be found below.

Global B2B email and mailing list

C-level is the highest level of authority in any organization. The file covers CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO, COO, CMO and a host of other C-level positions. The file also includes Presidents and some Managing Directors. In all cases they are the most senior officers in their organizations.

These executives are leaders and administrators. They have responsibility for the companies strategic direction and tactics for achieving their goals. They have huge buying power and influence over the purchasing decision making. They are all English speakers. This list covers over 5 million C-level executives across the world. These are the elite of the business world and carry the highest level responsibility and buying power.

Global B2B email and mailing list

C-level is the highest level of authority in any organization. The file covers CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO, COO, CMO and a host of other C-level positions. The file also includes Presidents and some Managing Directors. In all cases they are the most senior officers in their organizations.

These executives are leaders and administrators. They have responsibility for the companies strategic direction and tactics for achieving their goals. They have huge buying power and influence over the purchasing decision making. They are all English speakers. This list covers over 5 million C-level executives across the world. These are the elite of the business world and carry the highest level responsibility and buying power.

European B2B contacts list

Europe is the largest trading block with the USA, with a vast buying power for US goods and services. This file concentrates on English speaking senior decision makers in mainland continental Europe.

Over 600,000 English Speaking business executives, all with email addresses.

The file is represented here in terms of the sectors that it covers and the size of the organizations in US Dollars. The contacts are senior C-level, VP level, Directors and senior management, all with huge buying power and ready to buy US services.

Over 460,000 contacts work in organizations over US$100 million revenue.

We also have access to hundreds of UK companies’ lists.

USA B2B email and mailing data

The USA Business List has just under 12 million records of key B2B contacts with huge buying power. The file covers all senior job functions, sectors and company sizes.

11.9 million senior business executives with email addresses

The contacts on this business list wield  great buying power. They are the people that have the budgets to buy your goods and services. The file covers all industry sectors and sub-sectors, as well as job functions, so whoever you would like to target will be represented on this file.

This USA business list contains the contacts name and personal business email address. It also contains the company’s main name, office address, website and telephone number, as well as other relevant information. The data is available on an outright purchase basis.

India B2B Contact Data

India is the 7th biggest economy in the world. It is investing heavily in its technology and infrastructure and needs products and services from around the world. This highly focused database of 236,000 individuals targets the very highest, most powerful business executives in India. 

All contacts on the file have full postal, telephone and email address details. They are all budget holders and are English speakers.