Road Construction Companies

Road Construction Companies Email List | 2,055 Companies | 5,243 Contacts

Our list of road construction companies includes over 2,000 companies and more than 8,500 contact details. The list can be narrowed down by multiple sub sectors, job titles and other business parameters. It is an up-to date and comprehensive email list for the road construction sector.

What Does the Road Construction Companies List Contain?

The information in our database can be filtered down and narrowed by multiple criteria. The list contains the following information for all records:

  • Personal Business email address (not generic)
  • Company Name
  • Company URL
  • Full name for salutation
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Job Title
  • Mailing address with Zip code
  • Company Phone Number
  • Fax Number where available
  • Industry
  • Revenue size indicator
  • Employee size indicator
road construction companies

Leading Road Constructions Companies USA 2020

Source: BizVibe

Kiewit Corporation

Founded in 1884, Kiewit Corporation operates within mining, industrial, power, oil, gas and chemical, transportation, and water/wastewater. One of the largest transportation contractors in North America.

$10.3bn Revenue

Granite Construction Inc.

Founded in 1922, Granite Construction Inc. partners with federal, state, and private organizations to design and build freeway systems. They also operate in the water infrastructure and mineral exploration markets.

$3.31bn Revenue

The Lane Construction Corporation

Founded in 1890 and operating in the sectors of highways and bridges, rail, metro and mass transit, tunneling, civil and industrial buildings, airports, and power and energy, locks and dams.

$0.85bn Revenue

Road Construction Companies List Overview

Road construction database covers a wide range of jobs and industries that are required to build, repair, and maintain roads. Some of the key sub categories of road construction email list include:

  1. Site preparation and excavation: Clearing and preparing the site for construction, excavation for foundations and drainage systems.
  2. Paving and surfacing: Laying down asphalt or concrete for the road surface and adding any necessary treatments such as paint or markings.
  3. Drainage and water management: Installing drainage systems, culverts, and retaining walls to manage water flow and prevent damage to the road.
  4. Bridge and retaining wall construction: Building bridges and retaining walls to accommodate road construction in areas where there are physical obstacles such as valleys or rivers.
  5. Signage and traffic control: Installing and maintaining signs, signals, and other traffic control devices to ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic.
  6. Roadway lighting: Installing and maintaining lighting systems to ensure visibility and safety on the road.
  7. Road maintenance and repair: Regular maintenance and repair of roads to ensure they are in good condition and safe for use.

These jobs and activities are performed by a range of different industries and businesses, including construction companies, engineering firms, paving companies, asphalt and concrete suppliers, traffic control companies, and others. The scope and scale of your project will dictate the types of jobs, industries, and activities that will be included in the final mailing list.


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