Europe Email Database

Europe Email Database

Get access to the prosperous EU market and get leads with our Europe email database.

The European economy is the second largest economy in the world after the United States and is therefore very appealing to work with. With our database you will get a list of companies in Europe that match your specific requirements.

European email database by  job title

The Europe Jobs vs Sector table reflects the full spectrum of job functions you would expect in a well establish sophisticated workforce. The bonus of using this file is that all the contacts have budgetary responsibility for their work, and as such have huge buying power for goods and services.

You can get separate data sets filtered by the following job titles: Owner / Founder, President / CEO, CFO, CIO / CTO, COO, CXO (Other C-level executives), Partner, Managing Directors, General Managers, Vice Presidents, Human Resources, Operations, Sales & Marketing, IT, Other Directors and Other Managers are available on this table for selection.

What does the Europe database contain?

Your data will be tailored to your specific needs, however our companies list contains the following information for all records:

  • Personal Business email address (not generic)
  • Company Name
  • Company URL
  • Full name for salutation
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Job Title
  • Mailing address with postcode
  • Company Phone Number
  • Fax Number where available
  • Industry
  • Revenue size indicator
  • Employee size indicator

European Email Companies List by Company Revenue

As with any of our business email lists, this list can be narrowed down by multiple criteria such as company size, revenue, location, job title and so on. This table below shows the spectrum of sectors covered by the file. It is heavily focused on the core European sectors of manufacturing, business services and technology. You can see sample data counts and get an idea of how many contacts you will be able to reach out to.